
The problem is complex. There are 16,000 people that die each day around the globe from hunger and related causes. It's a complex problem. Our solution is simple. We all eat. So why not provide a forum that allows you to post what you're eating while making money to feed those who don't. The same time you are eating you are feeding someone else. You eat. They eat. No problem. The site will make money off advertising and give 100% of those dollars away. 

We Eat is a Hodge Podge project. In the spirit of do what you can with what you have we've started up this endeavor on a free Blogger account. We hope to upgrade to a quality web-site/app with popular restaurant logos soon.  We have a complete grocery line planned where a 100% of profits will go to feed the hungry. And a whole lot more.

Hodge Podge is a fledgling non-profit. It's a Christian faith based organization whose focus is creative compassion. We're big on financial accountability and transperancy.  If you have questions or want to know more check out hodgepodgeministries.blogspot.com.